Telegram? Faucet bots, Crypto wallet bots Any Telegram bot that is advertised as a faucet bot, or a crypto wallet bot, that promises to make you earn crypto or other currencies just by clicking a button. It's a pyramidal scam: the bot shows ads and as soon as you view enough of them, you are required to refer 10 people and then buy a subscription. The more people try the bot, the more people are referred, the higher the chance of someone buying a subscription and the more money is scammed.
Scripts and Extensions? G2A exploit, Amazon exploit, GameMoney exploit, Chaturbate exploit, gift card exploit, timezone exploit (I have fallen for this) Any exploit that requires an extension to be installed with Tampermonkey, or a code to be put into the browser console. People have been spamming this scam for over a year, using countless accounts to post threads and fake feedback to bait more people. All these extensions and scripts do is change the Bitcoin address of your payment to send money directly to the scammer's address. There are plenty of fake videos, proofs, and feedback from multiple and stolen accounts, to scam as much money as possible.
Any working exploit to get anything free would never be public because no one would benefit from it.
Gambling scripts? CatchaBTC scripts, Bitcoin gambling scripts The scam isn't in the script itself but in the site, unknown and fake gambling sites like CatchaBTC. Anyone can buy a cheap domain and host a gambling site, don't waste your time and money on gambling copycats. If you want to bet your money, refer to sites that have millions of Google results and are well-known among gamblers. Gambling sites will do anything to convince you to make a deposit. Those are money you'll never see again.
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